UNFORTUNATELY, by the last session, the Saturday evening session, many of those are gone...RATS! We also found that Saturday evening is when the idiots appear. Lots and lots of idiots, wearing matching 'drinking team' shirts, swilling everything that they can get their hands on with no regard whatsoever of quality or type. Pushing, shoving, yelling, flatulent idiots, all between me and liquid joy.
I hope that I have not made is sound as if there were no great beers left. No, no my friends, there were plenty, just many of those that I was really looking forward to sampling were long gone. So here is a synopsis of the suds that I tried before I tired of stupidity and bailed.
Sprecker Brewery - This Glendale, Wisconsin brewery was the only booth where I loved every beer that I sampled. The Abbey Triple, Black Bavarian and Smoked Ale were all world class brews and worthy of road trip.
Barrel Aged TempT - Red Eye Brewing, Wausau, Wisconsin. A golden belgian style ale.... yummy.
Wee Heavy scottish style ale and the O'Fallon Smoke ale were two fine entries from the O'Fallon Brewery in O'Fallon, Missouri. Where? Yeah, me too.

The Capital Brewing Company in Washington D.C. had a Weizen Dopplebock that would make a German brewer proud.

The Grand Lake Brewing Company from Grand Lake, Colorado brews only small batches of artisan beers. The Plaid Bastard strong scotch ale was full bodied, potent and magnificent.
Funkwerks may be the dumbest frigging name for a brewery I have ever heard. Started by an award winning homebrewer in Fort Collins, Colorado, Funkwerks will be producing their Belgian style Saison for the general public in December. It is as good a saison as I have ever tasted, and I have tasted a lot.
Horseheads Brewing in Horseheads, NY produced our biggest surprise of the evening. Surprised by the ingredients and surprised that we liked it. Hot-Jala-Heim uses Jalepeno and Anaheim peppers. Smells like peppers, tastes like beer...with a kick. Good wintertime treat.

I love bourbon...I love Stout....Bourbon Barrel Stout by the Green Flash Brewing Company in Vista California gave me wood.
By this time, we had samped beer from about 60% of the breweries on the floor in about 3 hours. Perfect timing. But the moron meter had reached 11 and we were forced to leave. But much like the Pilgrams crawling on their hands and knees to the shrine at Lourdes in an attempt to be healed, we will come crawling back to Denver on September 29, 2011 to find our perfect beer.