Another GABF on the books and Texas is again well represented with medals of excellence. The Dallas/Fort Worth/North Texas area also has a smattering of breweries scoring medals and making us proud. Rahr and Sons, however, are a perennial winner at the GABF with multiple awards virtually every year. Love those guys. Here are the local winners and please take the time to visit these breweries, drink their beer, and congratulate them on their success.
Metroplex Winners:
Silver - It's Always Something, Peticolus Brewing Company, Dallas
Belgian Strong Spec.Ale
Silver - Oktoberfest, Rahr and Sons Brewing Co. , Fort Worth
German Style Marzen
Bronze - Honey Please, Armadillo Ale Works, Denton
Honey Beer
Gold - Real Heavy, Rahr and Sons Brewing Co. , Fort Worth
Scotch Ale
Texas Winners:
Gold - La Muerta, Freetail Brewing Company, San Antonio
Aged Beer
Silver - Shiner Bock, Spoetzl Brewery, Shiner
American Amber Lager
Bronze - Blue Bridge, Galveston Island Brewing Co., Galveston
Amer. Amber/Red Ale
Gold - Buckle Bunny. Eureka Heights Brewing Co., Houston
American Cream Ale
Gold - Rocket 100, The Austin Beer Garden Brewing Company, Austin
American or International Style Pilsener
Gold - Amandus, Lazarus Brewing Company. Austin
Belgian Style Strong Ale
Gold - Velvet Revolution, The Austin Beer Garden Brewing Company, Austin
Bohemian Style Pilsener
Gold - Bearded Seal, Pinthouse Pizza North, Austin
Classic Irish Dry Stout
Bronze - Holler ESB, Holler Brewing Company, Houston
Extra Special Bitter
Bronze - Weedwacker, St. Arnold Brewing Company, Houston
German Wheat Ale
Silver - Firemans 4, Real Ale Brewing Company, Blanco
Golden or Blonde Ale
Silver - Luchesa Lager, Oasis Brewing Company, Austin
Kellerbier / Zwickelbier
Gold - Super Awesome Lager, Austin Beer Works, Austin,
Light Lager
Silver - Lux Mundi, Save the World Brewing Company, Marble Falls
'Other' Belgian Style Ale
Gold - Pumpinator, St. Arnold Brewing Company, Houston
Pumpkin/Pumpkin Spice
Bronze - Barrel-aged Marfa Light Big Bend Brewing Company, Alpine
Wood or Barrel Aged Strong Stout