Samichlaus Bier - 14% ABV

Castle Eggenberg is the oldest family owned brewery in Austria and dates back at least to the year 999 A.D. Beginning in 1681 the Castle Brewery Eggenberg began brewing on a commercial basis. About 200 years ago the ancestors of the present owner bought the castle. Bastards.

Samichlaus (Austrian for Santa Claus) is brewed once a year on December 6th, and only on December 6th, then allowed to age for 10 months and bottled. What a confusing beer, described as 'the World's Strongest Lager', Dopplebock, Christmas Ale....bah...I know a malt liquor when I taste one. The clear reddish-brown beer pours with almost no head, and what little you get rapidly dissapates. The smell is of molasses and honey and there is enough alcohol included to give you a bit of nasal burn. Sweet, with malts, caramel and hazel nut coming first and then the alcohol burn taking over the lead in the closing act. This beer is a stand alone to be enjoyed after a good meal, perhaps instead of cognac, which is what it reminds me of. Enjoy it now or allow it to age a few years in a protected location, and don't forget that you may use what you don't drink to fuel your jet.
Stohr GmbH & Co KG
Eggenberg 1
4655 Vorchdorf
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