Brouwerij Duvel Moortgat NV Maredsous Blonde - 6.5% ABV
Let's continue on our theme of refreshing summer ales, shall we?

Imagine if you will, sweaty little fat men in brown robes and shaved pates scurrying around wooden vats of beer. Imagine them fussing over the ingredients ... so obsessive in their quest for the perfect abbey ale that they use eye droppers to add exact amounts of flavoring. Take that thought and throw it right out of the window with your dreams of actually meeting Santa Claus because this ale, like the rest of the Maredsous line, has been brewed in a state of the art brewery by Duvel since 1963. They brew under license from the abbey so that they can call it an abbey ale. You and your silly dreams.

Though labeled a tripel for taxation purposes, this fine sipper is a simple golden ale. The lovely golden ale lightly smells of yeast, malts, citrus and hops and lo and behold, the flavors follow right along. Medium carbonation and a dryness are all that you could not get from the smell. Nice, light, balanced.
Abbaye de Maredsous
Denée 5537
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