Wells and Young's Bombadier Premium Bitter - 5.2% ABV

Summer is winding down .... well, it's supposed to be winding down. Though 100+ degrees every frigging day fools you into believing that summer will last forever, in reality autumn is only a month or so away and your thoughts should be turning to the autumn brews. Now don't get me wrong, I love the Weiss beers, but after several hundred of the buggers they begin to taste a bit like dirty feet, and I am not quite ready for the Marzen's and Octoberfest beers. So what does one drink during a shoulder season like this?
When I hear bitter during the description of a beer my thoughts go immediately to the hop monsters that are prevalent on the west coast, but if you were to use bitter for an English beer my mouth begins watering. For you see a 'bitter' in England is simply a pale ale with a wee extra bit of English hops which are quite mild and fruity. There are generally 3 types of bitters, ordinary or session bitters, which have an alcohol content around 4%, the best or regular bitters which land somewhere around 4.5% abv and the premium bitters which have about 5% abv.

The Bombadier pours an reddish amber with a creamy head that persists and leaves a nice lacing pattern on your glass. The smell is subtle, malty and, well, beer like. The flavor is quite earthy with malts dominating but the background flavors of caramel, toffee, pepper and biscuits follow right along. Hops glide into your perception as you swallow. Sightly bitter, slightly sweet, light and easy to drink makes this a fine, fine beer for the refreshment you desire at the end of an end of summer day.
Wells and Young's Brewing Company
The Brewery
Havelock Street
MK40 4LU
United Kingdom
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