Brew at the Zoo - September, 2011

It sounded really cool, drinking beers, walking around looking at the animals .... chilling. That, however, was a misconception, a silly dream. Instead all of the beer related events where jammed up at the entrance to the zoo with all access inward locked up tight so that the drunken animals didn't disturb the real animals. Probably a good idea. However, it made the event so generic that it could have been held in any empty parking lot in Dallas.

There was indeed a huge selection of beer to be tasted ... 3 oz. at a time. Several of my very favorite breweries, Ommegang, Duvel, Stone, Breckenridge, Unibrou were represented and I will admit to imbibing a bit more than I should. There were those who imbibed quite a bit more than they should but for the most part they were a jovial bunch. Still, with all of those dandy beers to sample, I was stunned to observe that the lines to taste Budweiser, Stella Artois and Dos Equis were the longest at the event. Why would you pay $30 to drink that swill? I am at a loss to understand, but oh well.
I will also have to say the I really enjoyed the Rebirth Jazz Band from New Orleans, but after the 5th or 6th song the songs all began to sound the same. The Spazmatics? No comment.
If there is Brew at the Zoo 2 will you see me there? Probably not.
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