So when do you think that the craft beer movement began in the U.S.? 2005? 2000? 1990? Most believe that the craft beer movement began with the founding of this brewery in 1979 by Ken Grossman. That's right, 1979. Hell, even I was too young to drink and even if I could have, surely I would not have appreciated what they were producing. Sierra Nevada Pale Ale, their flagship Ale... iconic. Ever tried Celebration Ale? Of couse you have ... magnificent, right? But did you know that they make the Ovila Abbey Ale? What, you haven't tried it yet? You haven't even heard of it? Review to come soon, but let's finish with the Brux first, shall we? I must be honest now and tell you that Brux is not a strictly a Sierra Nevada product, it is a collaboration with the Russian River Brewing Company. Yes, another fantastic brewery from California.
This is a really good ale that you can still find at Whole Foods, Specs and a few other locations. Rumor has it that the Bottle Shop is hoarding a few cases for later use. The brewers say that this one should age nicely so buy a bottle (or many) and set it aside, but get it now because this is a one off batch and when it is gone, it is gone for good.
Sierra Nevada Brewing Company
1075 East 20th Street
Chico, CA.
Russian River Brewing Company
725 4th Street
Santa Rosa, CA 95404
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