The beer pours a cloudy, golden yellow with a small, white head that doesn't persist. The odor is slightly citrus with a bit of grain. The first sip is huge orange and a little sweet. The malted grains and yeast are there, but quite hidden in the background. Acidic with a some spices .... coriander? I found that I liked it from the very first sip. The blood orange zest that they use provides quite an orangey blast. The local honey from Fall Creek Farms is what provides the sweetness. Oddly, the more I drank the funkier the taste became. No, not some much the taste that became funky, but the effects of the acid. The acids kept building up in the back of my throat until the effect kind of reminded me of the acidic burn you get when you consume massive quantites of beer and it exits from the same hole you poured it down. Delicious indeed, but I absolutely could not drink more than one at a sitting.
Revolver Brewing
5600 Matlock Road
Granbury, TX 76049
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