The facility is a bit outside Granbury, about an hour and a half SE of Dallas. Wisely, the brewery has been built with their eyes on expansion. There is plenty of room for additional tanks and in the near future, a bottling line and for now, there is also plenty of room for their Saturday festivities.
Tours are from 12:00 to 3:00 with live music, food and a genial atmosphere where you can sit around a fire and drink their fine brews with a hundred or so of your new friends. Oh yes, and the beer. Your $7 admission gets you a Revolver Glass and 4 "half glass" servings of their current offerings.
This week's offerings were:
A smooth, lightly hopped delight that was way to easy to drink. The malts shined through without being heavy with 'palest pilsner malt and select caramel malts' complementing the German Saphir hops. I could see this one being featured on a long hot summer day of session drinking.
Blood and Honey American Wheat Ale - 7% ABV
Previously reviewed, this delight will also be a great summer coolant.
Though not really a bock as that it is made from ale yeasts instead of the traditional lager yeasts, it oddly tastes more like the original German marzen than most other bocks made in the area. The caramel and toffee notes that you would expect from a bock, but balanced with a bit more Wilamette and Northern Brewers hops than normal. Nice balance, nice drink.
We were lucky enough to get to try their very first specialty brew. Dark and thick enough to leave an oily film on the inside of the glass that was tough to wash out. It's sweetness made it more like a porter than a stout, the roasted malts were quite intense but balanced with Summit and Challenger hops. Absolutely my favorite stout being made in our area.
Though the qualtiy of the beer made the trip worth the time investment, the drive home after imbibing in these lovelies can be challenging. Perhaps if would be better to ask your local watering hole to import these offerings for you? Lot's of potential here and I wish them much success.

5600 County Road 308
Granbury, TX 76049
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