Lakewood Brewing Company's The Temptress Imperial Milk Stout - 9.1% ABV

I am so very impressed with the quality of beers being produced in Dallas these days. To be completely honest I didn't ever think that I would ever see the day that world class beers would be brewed right here and to my chagrin, The Temptress is as good a milk stout as you will find anywhere.

The beer pours thck and dark creating a small head that leaves sticky lacing on the side. The lactose used in the brewing process imparts a lovely cream odor and pairs with the malts to make the beer smell more dessertish than beerish. Smooooth and silky mouthfeel greet you from the first sip. Chocolate and caramel malts, sugar, cream, nuttiness, and none of them overpowering. The biggest problem is that it is so smooth and easy drinking that you drink a second, and maybe even a third and then ... then you wake up with peanut butter smeared all over your body and an inflatable sheep lying next to you in bed. What? Was that only me?
HOWEVER .... if you want a transcendental experience you must seek out the bourbon barrel version. Mother Goose is that ever good.
Lakewood Brewing Company
2302 Executive Drive
Garland, TX 75041
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