Rahr and Sons Brewing Company Snowmageddon Imperial Stout - 10% ABV

Lots o' things happening here that make this a compicated review...and we're not talking about just the beer. Do you remember the snow we had last year (February 11, 2010)? You know, the 14" snow...the biggest snowfall ever recorded in DFW? The people are Rahr remember because that is the day that the roof of their brewery collapsed due to the weight of that record breaking snow. Engineers in Texas design their buildings to withstand heat and wind loading, but snow? C'mon..not in Texas, right?
To commemorate the rebirth and rebuilding of the brewery and to honor those that helped with the reconstruction, Rahr and Sons created this oatmeal imperial stout based on an award winning recipe from a local home brewer. Complicated, isn't it?

The beer itself is a seasonal brew and has a substantial 10% abv. It is delivered to you in a 22 oz bottle, which is enough to get an army of midgets polluted and 1 beer snob as well. The brew pours almost black with a head that does not persist. Smell the coffee? Smell the chocolate? Smell the dark fruits? That is an imperial stout smell all right and the taste follows along with the smells. Bitter coffee flavor from the roasted malts along with the chocolate flavor and a bit smokey as well but thinner than expected. It is kind of like you mixed a chocolate stout with a smoked porter. Quite drinkable but hardly worth the $20 per bottle price tag. Try it if you are flush with cash before it dissappears...for this year.
Rahr and Sons Brewing Company
701 Galveston Avenue
Fort Worth, Texas 76104
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