Brouwerij Van Steenberge Piraat - 10.5% ABV
What did Piraats (pirates) drink? Beer. Why? Because water doesn't store well on a long cruise and beer does just fine (not to mention beer's nutritional value). Why does Brouwerij Van Steenberge call this beer Piraat? I have no frigging clue but I am sure that there is a connection somewhere. Or, they just like pirates.

You are going to see Piraat called a Belgian Pale Ale on some websites, an IPA on other websites (which it is in the purest sense) or a Belgian Triple. The brewer uses three times the normal amount of barley malt which produces more starches which gives you more sugars after cooking and more alcohol after a long fermentation. The Piraat is re-fermented in the bottle or in the keg. My vote is triple.
You know what else it is? MAGNIFICENT! The dark gold, slightly cloudy brew's nose is quite subtle with a few hints of yeast and sweetness. The aggressively poured ale created quite a head; thick, rich foam like you get when you make a rootbeer float and boy did it persist, sticking to the sides of the glass creating a white coating reminiscent of sea foam. Creamy and smooth (like buttuh) with malts, carmel and wheat coming through at the fore followed by the grassy, yeasty notes. The satisying end was slightly sweet with the bitterness from the hops (which they grow themselves) finishing the quaff nicely. Superbly balanced and rich, the intense flavors completely hide the fact that there is lots o' alcohol included. This is a perfect example of a Belgian triple and I highly recommend that you try one, or several just long a you have a DD with you (designated driver you pervert). Enjoy.
Brouwerij Van Steenberge
Lindenlaan 25 - B-9940 Ertvelde
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