Breckenridge 72 Imperial Chocolate Cream Stout - 7.2% ABV
The last days of the winter beers are upon us and while I love these beers most of all, it is time for something lighter and brighter. And much like you finish a fine meal with a delicious desert, this beer is the desert for the winter beer line.

One of my favorite winter beers is the Breckenridge Vanilla Porter which, by the way, makes a dandy ice cream float. It is easy to tell that these beers are siblings, and no, not like the drain bamaged brother that your parents keep under the stairs that no one talks about, but more like the brother that when you are seen together everyone says "Boy, you can sure tell that you are brothers".

The color is as black as beers get, with very little light passing through and a minimal head that dissapates, leaving a tiny bit of lacing. Stick your nose down there and breathe deep. Mmmmm, roasted malts.....chocolate.....dark fruits....sugar....and a bit of alcohol ethers. Nice. The flavor is nicely sweet with the sweet chocolate and bittersweet chocolate walking across your tongue hand in hand. Malts, roasted coffee beans and a bit of vanilla are there as well. It is a frigging liquified chocolate cake with a creamy, smooth texture. Now where is my vanilla ice cream?
Breckenridge Brewing Company
471 Kalamath Street
Denver, CO 80204
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