Stone Imperial Russian Stout - 10.5% ABV

I stopped by the Saucer on the way home from work last week and only had time for a single beer. "Do you have anything new with big flavor"? I asked. "Have you tried the new Stone"? "Nope", I replied, "Pour me up a quick one". You know, when you order a beer by Stone Brewing you can pretty much take it for granted that you are going to get a face full of flavor. What do you know about Russian Imperial Stouts? Well, you know that they are strongly flavored, intense stouts. So when I ordered this one I kind of got a shiver up my spine knowing that an intense beer style from a company known for intense beers was going to give me a hell of a ride. And I was right, but I had underestimated quite a bit what I was in for.

The very dark brown brew poured thickly into the glass and had a creamy, small head that dissipated rapidly, leaving a bit of lace. The smell is of roasted coffee beans, cocoa, molasses and ..... licorice? The flavor is massive....huge...monstrous. Coffee, chocolate, figs, hops, molasses, anise (that's right kids, they used anise, the flavor of licorice, to intensify the flavor) and sherry are just some of what you will discern. Thick, full bodied and very creamy texture. Huge, huge beer, but no one flavor was over the top, and it was surprisingly balanced. Unique and delicious and a slow drink with plenty of kick. I would not recommend that you order one if you are in a hurry because it probably will take you some time to finish and your wife could possibly chew your ass for missing your dinner reservation. It could happen.
Stone Brewing Company
1999 Citracado Parkway
Escondido, CA 92029
Nice review!