Cervoise Lancelot, Lancelot Belgian Style Pale Ale - 6% ABV

Cervoiserie de Lancelot was founded in 1990 by Bernard Lancelot (no, it was not named after King Arthurs sidekick, nice guess though) in a chateau built in the late 1400's. It quickly outgrew it's environs and was moved to the site of an old gold mine with amazingly pure water. All of the 7 beers that they produce are top fermented, unfiltered, organic and unpasteurized.
The beer pours with a huge head that quickly dissappated and with a very light nose tha smelled mostly of malts and a bit of hops. The texture was quite fine and was only lightly carbonated. The full flavor was very balanced with a bit of the honey that they used in the brewing process and the malts. Really nicely balanced with a nice finish and too damned easy to drink. Surprised? Yes indeed.
Brasserie Lancelot
56460 Le Roc St André
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